Helado Negro Brings ‘PHASOR’ To Thalia Hall

On the evening of April 30, friends, couples, and parties of one wound up the stairs of Pilsen’s Thalia Hall excitedly awaiting performances from Helado Negro and opender Marem Ladson. Throughout April and May, Helado Negro and Marem Ladson hit the road on a nine-show tour across the United Sates.

Opening the show with a bang was Spanish singer-songwriter Marem Ladson. Ladson had recently released her sophomore EP Baby Light, and her angelic voice carried meaningful lyrics through the crowd. Playing songs both new and older, Ladson ensured that each attendee left feeling satisfied and eager for what’s to come. 

Ladson on stage.

After a brief intermission, Helado Negro – whose legal name is Roberto Lange – entered the stage in his signature smooth and enchanting fashion. He opened the show with “Colores del Mar,” a jazzy and rhythmic track from his new album PHASOR. After performing the opening track to the same album, Lange performed a crowd pleaser, “I Just Want To Wake Up With You” – a song that got both the crowd and Lange dancing. After a handful of equally groovy and heartfelt songs, Lange exited the stage. However, he returned momentarily to the sound of wild applause from the audience. Lange’s encore consisted of “Sabana De Luz,” “Pais Nublado,” and“Running” – all from his 2019 album This Is How You Smile. Lange concluded his show with “We Don’t Have Time For That,” an electronic yet smooth track from his 2017 album Private Energy.

As fans exited the venue, walking past Thalia Hall’s signature chalk portrait of that night’s performing artist, a low buzz of “that was so good” “he’s phenomenal” and other off-handed compliments were alive in the air. 

Follow Helado Negro on Instagram here!

Stream Helado Negro on Spotify below…

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